Can You Handle The Truth? 4 Air Conditioning Myths Debunked

Posted on: 6 March 2015

If you have been misinformed about your air conditioning unit, you may make costly mistakes when trying to conserve energy and increase airflow. As the heat begins to move in, you want to keep your family comfortable at an affordable price. To get the most use out of your air conditioner, you need determine AC truths and myths. Your Air Conditioning Unit Doesn't Need Maintenance The statement above could not be more false.
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2 Home Heating Efficiency Myths

Posted on: 23 October 2014

As you pull your jacket out of storage and watch the leaves change colors, you reflect upon the fact that summer has passed and winter is soon to come. With winter comes brisk cold and of course, sometimes expensive heating bills. The more efficiently you heat your home, the lower your costs will be. Since this is a common concern amongst homeowners, there is a ton of information on how to heat your home more efficiently.
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Properly Sizing A New Hot Water Heater

Posted on: 18 September 2014

Homeowners are usually eager to find new ways to reduce their energy bills. You may have tried a number of things to cut your energy usage, from installing additional insulation in your attic to upgrading your heating and cooling system. But if you have an improperly sized hot water heater, it's probably taking a big bite out of your family's budget every month. Hot water heaters are easily one of the biggest consumers of electricity in any home, which is why it's essential to install one that is correctly sized to your particular needs.
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Maintaining Your HVAC Unit

Posted on: 16 September 2014

HVAC units are also known as your central heat and air unit to keep your home hot or cold. When something goes wrong with it, it could potentially cost a lot of money and can cause you to have a setback in your money. You can keep your HVAC unit from going out as often by keeping up the maintenance on your unit. Clean the Coils When cleaning your HVAC coils, remember to disconnect your power.
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