Common Problems With Residential Gas Heaters

Posted on: 3 December 2018

In many homes, the heater is powered by natural gas. Gas heaters are often preferred by homeowners, since it is more cost effective to power a heater with gas than electricity. However, residential gas heaters can experience issues and problems that require repair. Luckily, a lot of common issues that people experience with their home's gas heater can be fixed by a heating repair service. One of the keys is to be able to quickly recognize issues and have them fixed before they turn into big problems that can necessitate replacing your gas heater.
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Emergency versus Non-Emergency in the World of Plumbing

Posted on: 24 October 2018

Emergency plumber services almost always cost extra. Because the nature of the plumbing emergency or the timing of the emergency causes the plumber to drop everything else and come to the rescue, the plumber will very likely charge more. That said, you want to make sure that your plumbing emergency really is an emergency. Here is how plumbers define a plumbing emergency. Lots of Gushing Water Constant, non-stop gushing water is an emergency.
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Tips For Covering Your AC Unit During A Hurricane

Posted on: 19 August 2018

You might have always heard that covering up an AC unit isn't a good idea. One situation when this isn't true is when there's a hurricane coming. Covering up your unit before the storm hits is one thing you can do to help prevent devastation. Understand Why It's Important to Cover It Many people forget to cover their air conditioning units during hurricanes and tropical storms because they get caught up in other storm preparations.
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Why Radiant Heating Is Ideal For Apartment Complexes

Posted on: 19 August 2018

Choosing the right heating system for your apartment complex isn't a decision that you should make hastily. You can save yourself a lot of grief by installing the right heating system from the start. If radiant heating isn't at the top of your list for the apartment complex that you're building or renovating, it probably should be. Here's why. It Doesn't Take Up as Much Space in a Small Apartment
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