Air Conditioning Leaks And What You Should Know

Posted on: 10 October 2019

As a homeowner with a central air system in your home, it's easy to overlook the outdoor condenser unit. After all, it's not in your house, so you don't really encounter it very often. Not to mention, you don't hear it run with the same frequency that you would with something that is inside your house. Unfortunately, that means your condenser could be leaking and you don't realize it. If you check the outdoor unit and discover that it's leaking, you should know what could be causing it.
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3 Ways That Short Cycling Harms Your Air Conditioner

Posted on: 4 September 2019

Ever noticed your air conditioner starts up and runs for only a few minutes at a time? When your A/C system operates for short bursts, you're likely dealing with a short cycling issue. Short cycling not only robs your home of its overall comfort, but it can also do serious harm to your A/C unit. The following highlights some of the dangers that short cycling poses for your A/C system.
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Heating Maintenance: 3 Tips For Homeowners

Posted on: 25 July 2019

As winter approaches and you start bundling up for colder weather, you need to make sure that your heating system is ready to go for yet another cold, winter season. To ensure that this is the case, there are some preventative maintenance tasks that will need to be performed. Here are three of them. Change the Air Filters If the air filter in your heating system is clogged, air flow will be dramatically reduced, which will cause your heating system to work overtime to warm up the home.
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3 Things To Do Before Calling An AC Repair Service

Posted on: 24 June 2019

There aren't many things worse than having your AC unit stop working unexpectedly when it is the middle of summer. If you are like most homeowners, the first thing that you want to do is grab the phone and call a local AC technician to have it repaired. However, there are several things that you can do on your own—and quite easily—that may actually fix the problem, and if it does, then you will save both time and money.
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